Bending Reality TV The Cult Of Weirdos
A Fictional Book and Series by Michael Stephens
TWOC: You Know How It Is
By: Michael Stephens
Published: October 20, 2022

You Know How It Is
You know how it is. You’re working away and you run into a snag. I had to fix a problem so I could upload some new art and as usual Oiscreepy is stalking me through my Internet viewing.

He really has been getting tricky lately. He’s an obsessed stalker and has been watching me for years. He knows after I upload my art I view it as the public to make sure all is working fine. Today his cult is in a frenzy so they are tying to go all out. Right as I was about to view my art Oiscreepy threw a spell on it. His cult is so manipulative they even made sure my art had a certain number of views on it before the public could even see it.

How it Works
The Cult Of Weirdos are number worshippers. They believe if you click on something or have any contact with any of their magic numbers that you have no rights and they can commit a crime against you and even murder you.

It matters not their rank or government position they commit thousands of crimes daily. Their only hesitation, getting caught!

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TAGS: Michael Stephens, Books, TCOW, The Cult Of Weirdos™, Oiscreepy, Nuttyyayo, Hooker, Peaches, Ava, Agent Spandex, Waddles, Militants, Mike from New Jersey, The Witches, The Creatures, TWOC, Knowledge, Working, Fixing, Creepy, Stalking, Internet, Viewing, Obsessed, Art, Public, Cult, Spell, Numbers, Number Worship, Idols, Idol Worship, Magic, Rights, Crime, Criminal, Murder, Rank, Military, Government, Government Position, Getting Caught,

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