Bending Reality TV The Cult Of Weirdos
A Fictional Book and Series by Michael Stephens
Lad, Only a Lad
By: Michael Stephens
Published: November 23, 2022


Ever since Lad saw Izzy's daily routine posted on the Internet he has been getting up early feeling motivated.

What he doesn't realize is he is being influenced.

Like most devoted people of evil Satanic Gina and Oiscreepy will work all night spellcasting on their victims.

Lad doesn't know that he is being watched by them.

And before you get all mystical about Lad getting up early just realize Satanic Gina, Oiscreepy as well as the Adolph’s are in an earlier time zone and monitor Lad around the clock. They want him up early because they are.

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TAGS: Michael Stephens, Books, TCOW, The Cult Of Weirdos™, Oiscreepy, Nuttyyayo, Hooker, Peaches, Ava, Agent Spandex, Waddles, Militants, Mike from New Jersey, The Witches, The Creatures, General Cubed, CU, Satanic Gina, AIC, Military, Kym, Omni, Lad, Izzy, Adolphs, TWOC, Internet, Routine, Mornings, Motivation, Early, Influencing, Evil, Spells, Spellcasting, Victims, Watched, Monitored, Stalking, Stalkers, Human Trafficking, Human Experimentation,

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