Bending Reality TV The Cult Of Weirdos
A Fictional Book and Series by Michael Stephens
I Know What You’re Thinking
By: Michael Stephens
Published: November 13, 2022

I Know What You’re Thinking

Why didn't I turn on the satellite phone?

Truthfully it's too dangerous and I didn't get around to it.

I know eventually we will use it but because The Cult Of Weirdos has turned our normal human activity into a dangerous game we have to be cautious on doing even the most basic everyday things.

Oiscreepy has become aware how easily he is being read so he has Satanic Gina working overtime. And let me tell you Gina is evil! Gina is with the AIC and for them there is no criminal activity to evil. They love twisting and making every day human activity evil.

Satanic Gina listened to me on the phone yesterday and noticed I didn’t turn on the satellite phone so she came up with a plan. She spent the whole night spellcasting and made arrangements with the military. The plan for today is when I turn on the satellite phone the military will geolocate my position and send a missile to my home. Since they control the media they can lie and say i was hit by a celestial object or even blame it on the Pruskies.

The real question now is how we will know which are actual celestial object hits and which are covert government military strikes on its own population?

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TAGS: Michael Stephens, Books, TCOW, The Cult Of Weirdos™, Oiscreepy, Nuttyyayo, Hooker, Peaches, Ava, Agent Spandex, Waddles, Militants, Mike from New Jersey, The Witches, The Creatures, General Cubed, CU, Satanic Gina, AIC, Military, TWOC, Warlock, Knowledge, Working, Fixing, Creepy, Stalking, Internet, Viewing, Obsessed, Pain, Games, Plan, Today, Magic, Cult, Spell, Nation, Numbers, Number Worship, Idols, Idol Worship, Rights, Crime, Criminal, Murder, Rank, Military, Government, Government Position, Getting Caught, Embodiment, Evil, Threat to Humanity, Satellite Phone, Bombs, Missile, Geolocate, Celestial Objects, I Know What You're Thinking,

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