Bending Reality TV Did Alex Jones Air Child Porn?
By: Michael Stephens  
October 29, 2021

Today I got up early and was doing some marketing work. I was reminded about what Gary taught me as the four pillars of success. As I was moving along I saw it was 9:01 so I put Infowars on. Alex was on a rant about cross dressers and started talking about child porn in public libraries

He seemed distressed and went on about child porn and how main-stream media could air it but he couldn’t. He gets around to saying he is going to air the child porn they do. Why would he do that if it is what he claims to be?

While he is looking like he is being forced to and is reluctant, he is still determined to do it. I shut the show off.

There is some question here why he would do this? He frequently admits his staff is full of military and brags about his communications with the Pentagon, military and intelligence insiders so is he following orders?

Is Brendon O'Connell right about Alex Jones or could it be more nefarious?

After watching Drone, hearing Kay Griggs testimony and learning about how the U.S. literally makes wagers on how and who they are going to kill (Assassination Papers, The Assassination Complex) I have no doubt it could be more nefarious.

I don’t know if he actually aired the child porn but he did and you watched it you might be in trouble. Someone could even download the show later and not know he aired child porn. If Alex Jones aired child porn and the video is available for download will it have a warning of its contents so as not to endanger his viewers which could also be children?

Series > Warnings | Alex Jones


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